Hannah Turns One PhotoShoot

Spring is in bloom, and my daughter was born in Spring! We recently did her 1st Birthday Photoshoot.  It's a tradition in the Korean culture to dress the baby in Korean garments and have a big birthday and photoshoot for the baby's 1st birthday.  I've opted out of a big birthday and will just be doing an intimate gathering, and fun family activities to celebrate, however I did feel having a nice photoshoot would be an amazing way to create memories for my daughter and family.  I hope you enjoy them!



Olá, como está você?
Sua filhinha está linda, essas fotos são um tesouro,
ela vai adorar ver daqui a alguns anos!
Felicidades para a família, muito obrigada pela visita e comentários!

Taís Luso de Carvalho July 24, 2024

Great photos, your daughter is a sweet model. It’s a pleasure to look at photos of your happy family :-)


Alice July 23, 2024

Lovely <3

Kinga July 22, 2024

What a beautiful family you have! The photos turned out well!

Rachel @Waves of Fiction July 19, 2024

Adorable. So beautiful.

Nas July 10, 2024

OMG I love your dress and the color scheme of these pictures! So pretty! I want to do one of these photoshoots with my husband and daughters too!!

Tiffany June 05, 2024

Aww Hannah is adordable, and it’s nice that you did a photoshoot for her birthday! I also love the photos with your dog!


Karalee May 03, 2024

aweeee sooo cutw https://www.shyyshianne.com/

shy April 30, 2024

Oh my, such a sweet little girl and marvelous photos!

DeniseinVA April 29, 2024

Your daughter is most beautiful and you and hubby are most good looking.

Have a fabulous day and week. ♥

Comedy Plus April 28, 2024

Lovely. :)
Here in Poland people also used to take nice photos of the babies on their first birthday. Now it’s not so popular anymore…

Radiomuzykant-ka April 06, 2024

Your daughter is a beautiful butterfly, very photogenic! Congratulations to the dads who must drool looking at these photos!


Marisa Cavaleiro April 06, 2024

What beautiful photos! Thanks for visiting my blog. x

Vix April 06, 2024

Wonderful photographs! Having professional family photographs really helps to keep those special moments to heart. I love these family photographs. You have a precious family. Your daughter is adorable. You and your husband look very happy together!

Ivana Split April 06, 2024

She’s gorgeous – and I love the idea of spending money on a photoshoot that provides memories forever, rather than splurging on a party she is too young to remember.

Leanne|crestingthehill April 05, 2024

Thank you =) It will be much fun at the folk festival and I can’t wait for the spring season <3
Have a nice weekend


Yasmina April 05, 2024

She’s adorable. Those are some great photos too.

Erika April 04, 2024

oohhh! she is so cute!!!! <3

inma April 04, 2024

What a beautiful photo shoot!

Amy Johnson April 04, 2024

Such lovely photographs.
Many happy first birthday wishes to your lovely daughter.

All the best Jan


lowcarbdiabeticJan April 03, 2024

She’s beautiful!

Tracy April 03, 2024

Midori; I loved coming to your Blog! Thanks for your visit!
I congratulate you on being parents and on your beautiful daughter.
It is a treasure.
The most important thing in life.
I understand that you are Coreana and live in New York.
A pleasure; receives a warm greeting.

Grace April 03, 2024

What beautiful photos. It’s very important to document and celebrate every stage, as children grow so quickly.

Tay Ribeiro April 03, 2024

These photos are so beautiful! You have such a beautiful family!
Gemma x

Gemma April 03, 2024

Uma bela família com uma filha muito linda.
Felicidades para todos.

Brancas Nuvens Negras April 02, 2024

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