Old About Midori

Founder and creative director of MIDORI LINEA, Midori created her line with just one handchain. The piece was initially for her own personal wardrobe, however after one store asked that she host a trunk show with her jewelry designs, she decided to start taking wholesale orders. Instantly, Midori knew she was onto to something special when the orders kept coming and her first trunk show sold out.
Inspired by her own personal style, Midori designs statement piece jewelry which allows a woman to be casual yet chic. “I believe one piece of jewelry can really dress up an outfit”. “I love being able to feel trendy even if I am just wearing black skinnies, a white shirt and a wrap, with one of my handchains.” Each element of a MIDORI LINEA piece is chosen by Midori. “I choose the chain, the links, the beads, the colors, everything, and I truly love it”.
MIDORI LINEA pieces are a combination of metals and gemstones, from 14k gold filled, to gold plating, and semi precious stones. Midori's signature piece is her handchain, however the line now offers earrings, bracelets, footchains, and necklaces.
MIDORI LINEA is carried from coast to coast and has been featured in multiple forms of media, and is becoming a favorite “must have” for every woman’s wardrobe. “From the feedback I’ve received from clients whether it is a store or clients from a trunk show event, I am learning that women love MIDORI LINEA because the designs are stylish pieces which can be worn day to night, which has always been my goal when designing”.
MIDORI LINEA believes a woman should always be sophisticated, casual, and chic, be inspired…